Once your order ships, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking information.

Your order will be processed once payment is received and cleared. Order processing may take longer when we receive a huge number of orders per day. Do not be alarmed, all orders are fully insured.


Shipping time may vary depending on location.

Our shipping usually takes 2-4 days after we process your order.

Due to high demand, some of the orders may take a little longer to arrive. We strive to ensure that your order arrives as soon as possible.

Tracking details will be sent to you along with your shipping confirmation email.


We offer free shipping for orders over €30. Additional shipping options are available at checkout. We use well-known carriers to ensure your order gets to you quickly and securely.


We currently have warehouses in Spain. Depending on your location your order will be shipped from one of them. We try our best to ship from the warehouse closest to you.

Orders can be shipped to only one address. To ship to multiple addresses, you will need to place a separate order for each address.